what is a discord moderator

It allows you to show that you are committed, reliable, and friendly - all qualities of an ideal candidate for the role! You must add bbnoflus#8427 on discord and message them regarding their job listing. Then, youll have a high chance of earning it. For those interested in learning about concepts that go beyond the scope of moderation in practice. However, there is no time limit for the exam, so you can take your time to complete it. To be qualified for the Discord Moderator Badge, you need to get at least 10 of the questions correct. That includes, but is not limited to, obscene behavior in both your messages and Discord profile: your picture, username, status, and linked socials are globally visible. For example, if one user receives an infraction for using profanity but another does not receive anything for saying the same thing, then it may lead to confusion among other members as well as frustration towards staff members from those who have been punished unfairly. It is your job as a moderator to communicate with those involved to determine if a user is truly in danger. Introduction. WebModerators First off, youll need to have a team of moderators to assist in keeping the server a fun and appropriate place to participate in as your community grows. *Unless you are using the channel description for verification instructions rather than an automatic greeter message. Can create 10 webhooks per server with the ability to customize each avatar and name. spamming). Good participation on the server will help you stand out from other potential candidates when applying for mod roles. Users will not be subject to the server verification level on joining, but will be after they verify. Once you are officially part of the team, following best practices will ensure that your moderation efforts are effective. Namely, Emoji and Links may warrant separate punishments. The @everyone role should have no permissions, the Verified role should have the permissions you would normally give to @everyone. Subset filters are still a good thing for your anti-spam filter to contain as you may wish to punish more or less harshly depending on the spam. Users may joke about this topic, and mean no real harm. The Discord Moderation Discord is a community of moderators that share their knowledge and support one another. Look into existing servers where moderators may be needed or create your own server from scratch if theres none already present in the area you want to focus on. To do this, its important to focus on what moderators are expected to do: help others and maintain order within the community. They can also manipulate their Discord username or Nickname to cause trouble. This can include replying to questions or starting discussions about topics relevant to the server. WebDiscord is a place where anyone can build and manage a community dedicated to the things they love, whether that is a favorite game, creating amazing art, or simply hanging out with friends and making new ones. Then, youll be eligible for it (but not guaranteed). Taking this exam can help show potential moderators that you are knowledgeable about all aspects of moderating a discord server. Read up on some tutorials and guides online regarding different discord functions and bots. This means taking proactive steps such as providing resources for people who need help with understanding the rules of the server or offering help if someone is having trouble finding their way around. Taking some time out of each day or week to review moderation logs will also allow you to keep track of how often people are breaking rules and inform decisions on how often warnings should be issued or bans put into place. They can only send messages, not view any. A Banned words filter can catch links and invites provided http:// and https:// are added to the word blacklist (for all links) or specific full site URLs to block individual websites. Furthermore, if there is an application process for obtaining a Discord moderation role, knowing about the platform can help strengthen your application. Share your feeling. Discord Moderator The list of multi-faceted responsibilities that a good Discord moderator takes on, including running events and making sure the community runs smoothly, can be endless, and sometimes, thankless. Users will be subject to the server verification level until they verify. Discord Moderator Just an endpoint to send data to, no actual hosting is required. After that, take the Discord Moderator Academy Exam and wait for Discord to contact you. You can visit the website here: https://discord.com/moderation. Join discords related to topics or communities that interest you so you become well versed in using many of the commands available. The best moderators typically have experience participating in your community, and are enthusiastic and seasoned superfans! Check out our current curriculum of articles below: Learn what it takes to create a dream team to run your community. They must also be able to communicate effectively with users and other moderators, as well as be able to dedicate time to the role. To be successful in this endeavor, you need to demonstrate that you know how to use various features and tools on the platform. The third section is Advanced Community Management. The responsibilities of a moderator might vary, but their overall role is to ensure that their Discord server is a safe, healthy environment for everyone. These systems typically look for users that were created recently or have no profile picture, among other triggers depending on how elaborate the system is.Raid prevention stops a raid from happening, either by Raid detection or Raid-user detection. If you fail the exam, you can retake it after the next wave of Discord Moderator Articles. This differs from Raid Prevention as it doesnt specifically target or remove new users on the server.Raid anti-spam is an anti spam system robust enough to prevent raiding users messages from disrupting channels via the typical spam found in a raid. It is important to recognize, however, when a threat may not be truly dangerous. A communication software that allows you to join and moderate various servers. An icon-sized image in the top left corner of the embed, next to the Author element. Here are some of the most important ones you need to know:An important thing to note is that embeds also have their limitations, which are set by the API. You can get your user ID by following this guide. *Unconfigurable, triggers raid prevention based on user joins & damage prevention based on humanly impossible user activity. It can also be beneficial for moderators to set aside time each day to review past messages, check for suspicious activity or comments that could violate policies, and update any necessary settings related to moderation tools like mutes or bans. Showing off your skills and knowledge while still maintaining respectfulness towards everyone around demonstrates maturity and dedication - two traits necessary for any successful discord moderator! WebDiscord is a messaging service that is intended for gamers. Read over any documentation or information provided by your Discord server about moderation expectations. Discord Moderator This means staying active in chat rooms and responding quickly to questions or issues that arise. In the community, the best Discord moderators will share their knowledge and provide support. Try joining groups specifically dedicated to moderating activity or helping new moderators get up-to-speed on their duties both online and offline if possible! In order to measure the efficacy of your verification system, you may need to use a custom solution to measure the proportion of people that pass or fail verification. Role of Administrators and Moderators on Discord Fill out any necessary paperwork or submit applications required for becoming an official moderator on Discord. John#1234). Moderator However, being a Certified Discord Moderator is not that easy. This reason is recorded in the audit log. Advanced content for deep dives into moderation that address overarching philosophy and strategy. WebAs a moderator, you spend your free time helping the server, so let your fellow moderators know you appreciate that they chose this as their hobby. Do not evade user blocks or server bans. You can use Discord's built-in Raid Protection, reporting, and moderation tools or go further by requiring higher levels of verification and reducing basic permissions for new members. Discord Moderator This covers a wide base of things on Discord, there are multiple types of spam a user can engage in. If you want to use the remove unverified role method, you will need a bot that can automatically assign a role to a user when they join. The best moderators typically are seasoned and enthusiastic participants in one or more communities. Once you have established a clear understanding of what being a Discord Moderator entails, it's time to start exploring some potential opportunities in this field. Discord Moderator It is your responsibility to prevent and resolve conflicts between users, ensure the server is safe and free from potential harm, and set an example for the rest of the community to the best of your abilities. In order to become a successful moderator, it is essential to understand the role of a Discord Moderator. Being a moderator on Discord means that you are responsible for keeping the server or channel organized and moderating any conversations or activities that take place. It has many features, including a game mode for if youre livestreaming so you dont show private information, voice chat, emotes (if thats your thing), and a lot of other features useful for gamers. WebBeing a moderator means more than just being hoisted at the top of the server and having a fancy color. Here is an image to showcase an example of these properties: Example image to showcase the elements of an embedAn important thing to note is that embeds also have their limitations, which are set by the API. However, you can expect that they will improve some combination of first day activation, user retention, and/or percent communicators within your server. It involves managing the server and making sure that everything runs smoothly, as well as providing helpful advice to members of your community. Discord mods should strive to create an environment where all members feel welcome, respected, and safe while still adhering to established guidelines. Making connections and building relationships with other moderators can go a long way too. Understanding the role of a moderator is important in order to be successful at it. WebDiscord Moderator looking for work! With this information in mind, you're now ready to go forth and explore different options until you find the right match! I have been on discord since June 24th, 2019 and since Are you passionate about maintaining order and enforcing rules in the online gaming community? WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities. Mostly used with the thumbnail, icon and author elements in order to link to an image. From here, you can set the verification level of the server and configure the explicit media content filter. A good starting point is familiarizing yourself with the different types of moderation roles available on Discords such as Community Manager or Server Administrator. That includes, but is not limited to, obscene behavior in both your messages and Discord profile: your picture, username, status, and linked socials are globally visible. After youve provided your contact information, you need to complete a multiple-choice section. DMA is a collection of resources written by moderators of some of Discords most prominent communities. WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities. Web1. These servers should be added to an invite whitelist to prevent their deletion.Anti-RaidRaids, as defined earlier in this article, are mass-joins of users (often selfbots) with the intent of damaging your server. Discord Even if youve passed the Discord Moderator Academy Exam, youre not guaranteed to get it. When set, it allows users to only send one message and create one thread within your designated time interval. Participate in discussions with other members and provide helpful advice when needed. Passing the Discord Moderator Academy Exam is just one step towards achieving this goal; however, it shows potential employers or members of existing communities that you are serious about keeping conversations respectful and orderly two qualities essential for good moderatorship! It's also helpful to have some sort of badge or symbol on your profile that indicates that you're applying for the job! In this section, youll learn how to make use of Discords features to manage your moderation processes and your team. Note-taking software such as Evernote or OneNote to keep track of important information, rules, and reports. This reason is recorded in the audit log. Discord hopes to recognize the efforts of moderators that made communities great. Knowing who's running things allows moderators to get support from them whenever needed. A Discord raid is a sudden influx of trouble-makers on a server. *Gaius can apply same blacklist/whitelist to names as messages or only filter based on items in the blacklist tagged %name**YAGPDB can use configured word-list filters OR a regex filter. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Resume Keywords Optimization for Job Search Engines, How to Start Working from Home Philippines, Understand The Role Of A Discord Moderator, Familiarize Yourself With Discord Platform, Learn The Rules And Guidelines For Moderation, Determine If You Are Qualified For The Role, Introduce Yourself To The Server Community, Make Yourself An Active Member Of The Community, Establish Respectful Relationships With Other Members, Showcase Your Knowledge Of Discord Platform, Follow Best Practices For Successful Moderation, Maintain Your Responsibilities As A Discord Moderator. With its growing popularity, more and more people are looking into becoming a Discord Moderator. As communities grow, moderators can add more mods to keep their server a fun and welcoming place to be. Users may joke about this topic, and mean no real harm. Discord Moderator Moderators are a key part of making communities great and a place where people want to gather. Questions focus on understanding server roles and permissions. Who owns or manages the chat? How many new members retain the next week? Understanding all of the features, functions and guidelines of the Discord platform. WebModerators First off, youll need to have a team of moderators to assist in keeping the server a fun and appropriate place to participate in as your community grows. Hence, make sure that youre satisfied with your answers before you move on. The best way to do this is by actively participating in conversations with other members and showing them your interest in being part of the community. It is your responsibility to prevent and resolve conflicts between users, ensure the server is safe and free from potential harm, and set an example for the rest of the community to the best of your abilities. However, you can reset the bot token if needed. However, you shouldnt rely solely on these systems if you run a large or public server. It has many features, including a game mode for if youre livestreaming so you dont show private information, voice chat, emotes (if thats your thing), and a lot of other features useful for gamers. That includes, but is not limited to, obscene behavior in both your messages and Discord profile: your picture, username, status, and linked socials are globally visible. WebModeration: Requires the Manage Server permission. That means that you should act maturely and set a good example for the community. At this point, potential moderators should prepare themselves for the role ahead taking notes on any guidelines given and familiarizing oneself with existing policies already put into place within the server. Moderators must create an environment of mutual respect so that everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions without fear of being judged or attacked. Bots are authenticated via a token, compromised token can cause severe damage due to their capabilities if they have permissions granted to them by the server owner. Are there relevant certifications or courses that demonstrate your ability to moderate discussions effectively? Time tracking software such as Toggl, RescueTime or Time Doctor, to track the time spent on moderation tasks and to keep track of the schedule. This is a subset of Damage Prevention.Raid cleanup commands are typically mass-message removal commands to clean up channels affected by spam as part of a raid, often aliased to Purge or Prune.It should be noted that Discord features built-in raid and user bot detection, which is rather effective at preventing raids as or before they happen. If you are the server owner, you can also enable the 2FA requirement for server moderators. To be qualified for the Discord moderator badge, you need to be an active member in the community for at least 3 months. WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities. It allows users to communicate with each other while they play games or simply hang out. Once the foundation is set, it is time to make your community even more enticing by leveraging Discord's features to manage moderation processes and your team, and to build a compelling community full of interesting channels and events to participate in. Once you receive the invitation to become a Discord moderator, it's time to accept the challenge and get started. Adds the author block to the embed, always located at the top of the embed. To start the exam, click on the Next button. Discord Moderator For this reason, its also important a robust filter also contains whitelisting options. When it comes to becoming a Discord moderator, showing off your knowledge of the platform is key. As a mod, you will be responsible for monitoring conversations and enforcing the rules of your server. Make sure you take into account where someone is coming from before responding to their comments. Both tools are essential for a server to function properly and make for a powerful combination. Moderators also have the ability to ban members, mute users, and delete messages. Tests whether the candidate has what it takes to be an effective moderator in any environment. They can do things like moderate or delete messages, as well as invite, ban, or It teaches you about community management and how to make good decisions. Here are some of the most important ones you need to know: If you feel like experimenting even further you should take a look at the full list of limitations provided by Discord here.Its very important to keep in mind that when you are writing an embed, it should be in JSON format. Additionally, it is important to make sure your profile has a recognizable image or avatar as well as a custom username so others know who you are. WebBeing a moderator means more than just being hoisted at the top of the server and having a fancy color. Instead, actively participate in conversations and share your moderation experience(s). With this certificate in hand, you can then apply for positions at various servers or even start your own moderating team. WebModerators are seen as role models for the server. Questions focus on identifying user behavior patterns and maintaining order in chat rooms. After submitting your application, wait for an email or direct message from a server administrator informing you whether or not you have been accepted. Members remain on your server after joining, decreasing server leaves over time from new members, Members are more likely to want to engage with your server prior to joining, and will be more likely to talk or visit multiple channels. The Discord Moderation Discord is a community of moderators that share their knowledge and support one another. Web1. WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities.

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