caleb widogast character sheet

Caleb spent 1225 of his 1250 gold in ink copying 17 other spells into his spellbook. When Fjord confessed to the party that he had broken his pact with Uk'otoa and was now powerless, Caleb gave Fjord his Glove of Blasting. "Found & Lost" (2x26) Eadwulf and Astrid told Caleb that if that happened, they would follow him and do as he commanded. "The Calm Before the Storm" (2x130) Caleb asked Fjord and Nott to accompany him on a walk to the Soltryce Academy. Caleb cast his Nascent Nein-Sided Tower for the first time, and gave the party a tour of the inside. Caleb told Astrid that he still cared for her- or at least, for his memory of her. "Temple of the False Serpent" (2x39) When the group was outed as having attacked Kryn skirmishers, Caleb convinced the guards to allow him access to Jester's haversack. "Have Bird, Will Travel" (2x23) [156] While Bren went insane after murdering his parents, Astrid and Eadwulf passed Trent's final test and became successful Scourgers. She then walked him upstairs and tucked him into bed. Now, he's a level 13 Transmutation Wizard who's making waves across the continent of Wildemount. [art 5], 2019 Official full body portrait of Caleb, by Ari. Frumpkin attacked Ren, clawing him, and Ren ran into his office. on the gorgon, despite it using its last legendary resistance to succeed on its saving throw against Widogast's Web of Fire. Caleb and Essek were in a romantic relationship "for a while," though Caleb eventually wanted to separate due to their difference in aging. [art 25]. Dex Soon after, Essek arrived in disguise on a visit, giving Caleb a kiss as he asked to hear about the defeat of Uk'otoa. The dinner was tense, culminating in Trent's revealing that he believed Bren had the potential to replace him as a member of the Cerberus Assembly. Caleb widogast character sheet April 16, 2019 April 16, 2019/ CritRoleStats With apologies to Jeff Goldblum.Media References(0:00:19) Ashley: It's a wild Ashley at the table! "Dubious Pursuits" (2x40) Though Jester healed him, Caleb passed out from blood loss, shouting "take them out!" Astrid replied, "race you to the top. [54] However, he came under the tutelage of the abusive Trent Ikithon a bit over a year later. Caleb and Beau took a watch together, and Caleb brought up the afterlife, saying he assumed that where he was going is not great. # SAM Do you not have armor? We approach an important moment in this campaign as Critical Role's anniversary also approaches! Via Teleport, he gathered Veth, Beau, and Yasha and joined the others where they were shipwrecked, then Teleported the entire party to the Wuyun Gates. When Trent Ikithon gave his students the final task of killing their parents who were supposedly traitors to the Dwendalian Empire, Caleb "broke" when he heard his parents screaming inside their flaming house. "[119], Fan art of Beauregard and Caleb, by Aurex Aldori. A world-weary and vagabond human wizard who has been traveling with Nott for some time. [art 13]. While he thought Avantika was sleeping, Caleb sent Frumpkin to sit on her dagger and tried to cast Identify on it through Frumpkin. He found that newer arcane experiments regarding time and reality were being fielded within the Soltryce Academy in Rexxentrum into a newer magical energy that could seemingly adjust such properties with ease. I hope I do not let you down. ", Fan art of Caleb welcoming the party to his Tower, by Cha Cha Rae. Zemnian Human Caleb Widogast, born Bren Aldric Ermendrud, is a human wizard and a member of the adventuring party known as the Mighty Nein. "Fleeting Memories" (2x14) Caleb helped keep Caduceus from swimming to Vokodo by using Cat's Ire to drag him back to the rest of the party. [11], Fan art of Caleb, by Linda Lithn. The apparent leader invited him to step forward, but when Caleb did so, a rope wrapped his ankles and hoisted him dangling upside-down three or four feet off the ground. Caleb and Beauregard are very good friends. [83], "The Diver's Grave" (2x44) Later, Caleb and the party met Astrid at the beer hall. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works The Mighty Nein traveled to Kamordah in order to find Isharnai and break the curse. "Home is Where the Heart Is" (2x92) And they did so. Back on the Squalleater, Caleb questioned Fjord about his intentions. Caleb asked Nott to help him copy spells into his spellbook, and she agreed to help. And their final test was to kill their own flesh and blood. [59], Fan art of Caleb and Nott, by Lost Acumen. W--was Am. Official 2018 portrait of Caleb, by Ari. Shortly after returning from Eiselcross, Caleb visited his parents Una and Leofric's grave in Blumenthal for the first time. At the end of their conversation, Caleb thought about staying, but left to return to the party. Caleb escorted the party to an inn to discuss his past relationship with Trent Ikithon and what had happened to his parents. [146][147], Their relationship became complicated after the revelation that Essek had given the beacons to the Cerberus Assembly. "Fair-weather Faith" (2x123) [166], Caleb hoped to kill specific members of the Cerberus Assembly, including Trent Ikithon, out of both a desire for revenge and a hope to end the recruitment and corruption of children in the service of the Dwendalian Empire. Luckily, Vokodo failed his reflection with a natural one, giving Caleb the HDYWTDT?. Before Traveler Con, Caleb had a conversation with Veth, Yasha, and Beauregard about what their next move was. Caleb told Fjord that he could keep it. Jester, not in on the plan, thought Nott really had killed Caleb and became very distressed. While trekking across Eiselcross, Caleb was distracted by a mysterious necrotic gem lodged in a pillar, and used several high-level spell slots in an unsuccessful attempt to remove it. Caleb greeted him as they were leaving, saying it was good to see him again. Caleb attempted to keep Lucien from entering the Tower, and was angered when Lucien dispelled it. to which she replied, "very well Is he you?" Later in the week, Essek visited the Xhorhaus. In combat with the demon spiders, Caleb was webbed and pulled in by the mother spider. Upon joining forces, Fjord and Caleb quickly developed a collaborative working relationship. When Caleb killed the venom troll, he suffered a PTSD attack. Int That night, as he slept in a cellar under the Leaky Tap and guarded the beacon, Caleb had a strange dream about possible future Calebs. Fjord asked Caleb to give him time to tell him about his past, and Caleb agreed. Contents 1 Description 1.1 Appearance 1.2 Personality 2 Biography 2.1 Background 2.2 Critical Role: The Mighty Nein Origins: Caleb Widogast 2.3 Pre-Stream 2.4 Arc 1: Come Together It could be a joke, but it could also be excellent role play from sam hid as a joke. Caleb's intelligence is one of the highest for any player character, tied with Percy, Lyra and Lillith. He is played by Liam O'Brien. Player Character (Campaign 2)Non-player Character (Campaign 3) When Veth and Beau reiterated that they should punish Essek for his wrongdoings, Caleb was deeply disturbed by their vehemence and remained alone on the deck after the rest of the party had gone to bed. Jester brought him back to consciousness. However, it has since evolved. 14 He shared that he had been trained by the Cerberus Assembly, that he went "a little crazy", and that he ran away, but did not mention that he had been maneuvered into killing his parents. "Through the Trees" (2x79) Caleb likes Yasha due to their similar personalities and mutual dislike of, and uncomfortableness with, close contact[136]. Beau approached Caleb and apologized for the previous night. However, he told Nott in private that he did not feel good about what just happened and was unsure about the direction the group was going. While Caleb remained in Rexxentrum, teaching bright private students who had not been accepted at the Soltryce Academy and occasionally giving guest lectures there, he and Beauregard had attuned sending stones so he could communicate with her at her home in Zadash. He used Fiends of Folklore and Kylre's death to persuade Lawmaster Norda that the husk attacks were not the fault of the group. Lvl 17 Fan art of Caleb Widogast casting Shield, by Tyrone Andersen. "High Seas, High Stakes" (2x99) When the party proceeded through the tunnel, Caleb carried Essek on his back. "Unwanted Reunions" (2x88) Fan art of Caleb hugging Veth and Essek, by Giulia Valentini (kurocyou). In Trostenwald, Caleb's general lack of hygiene attracted the attention of Jester. She suggested good hygiene as a start. While finishing his watch, Caleb resummoned Frumpkin. Caleb avoided answering any questions when the group interrogated Molly about his amnesia under a Zone of Truth. He went further, saying that if Fjord became interested in releasing Uk'otoa, Caleb would not support him. He revealed that his second holstered book was a series of letters written to them, and Teleported it into the earth between them. That evening, Caleb put up his Tower, before the party realized that the Tombtakers had absconded with their bag of holding. As the party fled, Cree tried to cast Slow, but was Counterspelled by Fjord, who was counter-Counterspelled by Otis, who was counter-counter-Counterspelled by Caleb. The scarf is 11 1/2 feet long and 6 inches wide, made from cotton, and weathered with faux burns near the ends. Later, the party was attacked by minions of Uk'otoa. "Into the Eye" (2x131) Caleb and Yasha have similar tragic backgrounds, feeling responsible for the death of a loved one. Search for Grog character sheets of the characters that Travis and Liam played?To be clear, we don't "get" the sheets from the players; we reconstruct the . [159] When the Mighty Nein returned to Rexxentrum after Traveler Con, Caleb and the group received an invitation from Trent Ikithon to have dinner with him, Astrid, and Eadwulf at Trent's home in The Candles. Later, Caleb and Jester searched the inlet by Heaven's Falls, and Caleb found two pearls. 18 "Dockside Diplomacy" (2x35) "Curious Beginnings" (2x01) (stream)The Mighty Nein Origins: Caleb Widogast (print) "Refjorged" (2x76) Caduceus asked Caleb if he believed in fate, saying that he believed Caleb was being shaped by the world into "something important," and that he wants to ensure that he helped Caleb get to that point. Caleb's main goal was, as it had been since the beginning of the campaign, to atone for his past. Caleb asked Beau to trust him, saying that his desire to kill Trent Ikithon was in line with the things that Beau and Dairon want. Fan art of Caleb and Essek, by Aurex Aldori. In the middle of the ambush, Mollymauk was killed by Lorenzo. He took the group to a dance hall he, Astrid, and Eadwulf used to visit, and danced with Beau and Fjord in turn. Str Finally, he asked, "Do you know Bren Aldric Ermendrud?" on Lorenzo with a Fire Bolt to the head and succeeded on the resulting wisdom save. And I fucking helped! "Dangerous Liaisons" (2x37) Fjord asked Caleb to keep an eye on Avantika, and Caleb warned Fjord that he believed Avantika would try to kill him. Caleb went with Beau and Jester to meet with a disguised Dairon. "Cornered" (2x53) "Welcome to Cognouza" (2x137) Fan art of Caleb, by Nikki Dawes. Caleb mentioned that he wanted to go back to the Empire since he was convinced that the peace negotiations did not end the problems within their homeland, although he was not sure exactly how to proceed to root them out. Frumpkin (familiar)Veth Brenatto (best friend)Astrid Becke (ex-girlfriend)Eadwulf Grieve (ex-boyfriend)[11]Trent Ikithon (former instructor)Jannik (former pet moorbounder)Essek Thelyss (dunamancy teacher, boyfriend, life-long friend) Mighty Nein (member) The Revelry (former member) Yes, I was a student of the. "[65], Fan art of Caleb, by GalacticJonah. The following day, the Nein met a party of Dwendalian scouts, who were immediately ambushed by Kryn warriors. With coaching from Fjord, Beau hugged him back, equally awkwardly, and asked if they were friends. "Uthodurn" (2x73) At the Invulnerable Vagrant, Pumat Sol Prestidigitated the dirt off of Caleb. When describing the material components for the spell, Some of the aliases used by Bren Ermendrud prior to meeting Nott and assuming the name Caleb Widogast, were: Trevor Albrecht, Collin Kramer, Eren Andermeier, Phillip Sommer, and Max Degenhardt (as listed in. [164] Gradually, it was revealed that his long term goal when he met the Mighty Nein had been to change time to erase his murder of his parents. Caleb is a red-haired wizard. While they eventually separated due to the differences in elven and human aging, they remained close friends for the rest of Calebs life. For the heist of the Sour Nest, Caleb sent Frumpkin in owl form to scout the exterior. Campaign Two (141 episodes)Campaign Three (1 episode)Specials (3 episodes) When the party was attacked by bandits, Caleb was knocked unconscious, but not before incinerating the group's leader. Caleb recognized that Kiri was a kenku and gave her Frumpkin to comfort her. [170] After an abrupt battle between Trent, Astrid, Eadwulf, and the members of the Mighty Nein, Trent Ikithon was subdued and brought before a court to expose his corruptive involvement in the Cerberus Assembly. 16 Caleb let her copy the glyphs, only showing her where they went and guiding her hand on the tougher symbols. He also has two unusual languages (Sylvan and Celestial) and only 1 is from being Human. Below are the player character stats as they have been most recently updated on the show. Caleb possesses a deep self-loathing due to the circumstances of his parents' death. When Jester returned, the two had an argument about whether 50 gold counted as a lot of money. She offered to shave him with her greatsword, and he accepted. Type "New Homes and Old Friends" (2x111) When Essek insisted that it was too late for redemption, Caleb kissed him on the forehead and told him that although they may both be damned, they could "choose to do something and leave it better than it was before. "Lingering Wounds" (2x89) Death episode(s) After finishing off the priest in the gnoll lair with a Fire Bolt, Caleb dissociated, dropping stunned to his knees in the first of his post-traumatic stress episodes to be witnessed by the rest of the party. Comic ", "Yasha, let yourself a little happiness. Later, Caleb tinkered with the magic-silencing collar from the Happy Fun Ball and learned that the power source it required could likely only be acquired from the ruins of the Age of Arcanum city of Aeor in Eiselcross. Actor Appearances Before the party Plane Shifted back to the Blooming Grove, Caleb gave Veth and Essek a hug. . The floor contained nine closed doors, and behind the sixth is what was presumably a re-creation of the stone room where the residuum crystals were implanted into Bren, Astrid, and Eadwulf.

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