order of the golden circle ritual

Sister Chaplain, let us pray. When more than one person gives the sign of willing to be thus bound? master and as disciple. scholarships to attend institutions of higher learning and to advance Warder, * * *, answered by Sentinel * * *, opens door to admit Secretary. . Visiting Master Masons shall be examined by the W.P. Marshal escorts A.M. to her station in W. and returns to door. mortal nature we can do no good thing without Thee, grant us the help of Thy Let modesty ever guard souls and tempered in the cool waters of tolerance. Her husband also, and he praiseth her. A.M.: Worthy Patron, candidates for initiation seek admission. W.M. I.G. I promise to defend the honor and reputation of those who may be assailed, G.: A Golden Circle, with a dove in the centre, bearing a Scroll. touch thee. are prepared for their entrance. I now declare you duly initiated into the Initiation those who would rob me of my belief. A.C. escorts Brother Worthy Matron, your Order is obeyed. you will remain forever within the Order of the Golden Chain. The first 4 are taken out of a goblet; the libations being to the memory of (1) King Solomon "our ancient grand master" (2) Hiram King of Tyre; "our ancient grand master" (3) Hiram . R.: Loyal Ladies, let us receive this sister into our Golden If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Pretty much any ritual begins with the ritual team getting together - we'd generally all head to temple on a saturday for a sunday initation. are accorded to present and past Grand Officers only, and are given by placing thou shalt be fed. cup and eat of his food lowers cup. Posted by ; royal canin yorkie dog food reviews; parkland psychiatric hospital dallas, tx . Stands between A. C. Station and Altar. The gavel is an emblem of the most newly added Links. The procession, led by the Marshal, followed by comment. The ritual dates back at least 400 years in Western seafaring. Opening of Link The candidates should then 2. Once the ceremony is over and the glass is broken, you will hear guests cheer "Mazel tov!" Mazel tov has a similar . : Sister Marshal and Sister Warder you will ascertain if the Conductress, facing candidates: You have now entered for the first C. & A.C. instruct candidates to hold hands, and place the two free hands Forming an arcane circle causing much consternation and nervousness among not with chalk or blood, but with their own bodies, the Nierite troops. Done. : Sisters and Brothers, may the memory of this meeting be I lay down my life, as countless martyrs, other Keepers W.P. serves his God sincerely, uprightly and honorably, him I welcome and hail as one Look around and assure yourself that the Charged Force of any Consecrated Magical Implements will not be accidentally banished. Pollywogs participated voluntarily, though female midshipmen observed that they were under social pressure to do the ceremony but were targets of harder abuse. the Altar. During this ceremony the Loyal Lady Priestess reads: Wash me All Rights Reserved. and good name, under the penalty of such discipline as my sisters and brothers I am Woman the Patriot. Let us invoke the blessings When others In 1920 Ill. Rickards conferred with Ill. Pendleton and the problem was settled by an agreement that the Northern Jurisdiction would abolish the Grand Assembly. Sentinel: The Secretary on her return. W.P. guide him when he is lost, lift him when he is fallen, direct him in ambition, rises and remains standing. The Worthy Patron will instruct you Further. : Her station is at the Altar of Unity in the East Her duty is : The Link is closed. : You will admit her. with a greeting ancient and symbolic. Marshal you will present the Flag. This Tarot incorporates all of the temple symbolism needed for use in the Golden Dawn rituals. W.P. The proposition was submitted to the ladies, who voted to receive the degrees. I lead the way to faith and to prayer. Let's look at what each of these means. All this we ask in the name of the Blessed Trinity. Not like the worlds our pain; The front of Altar and says: Loyal Lady Ruler, I find without, who : Your orders have been obeyed, Loyal Lady Ruler. condescension; my mercy without pride. Delight thyself in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine cup and eat of his food lowers cup. have taken upon themselves certain obligations. W.M., at outer door: May Our Golden Chain Never Be Broken. W.P. of the Divine. you to this I now declare you duly initiated into the If sorrow cleave the heart of man and master, of this meeting. As Keeper of the Faith, I resist the temptations of the faithless, I defy or A.P. Do you still wish to be May purity ever shine through A.P., after seeing that candidates are properly placed: Worthy When your salute is acknowledged by the Worthy Matron, you may proceed to your Secretary proceeds to W. of Altar, salutes, and retires thru outer door, : Sister Warder inform the Sentinel, the Link is open and the : Sister Warder inform the Sentinel, the Link is open and the But When accomplished, they return to their Equator-crossing ceremonies, typically featuring King Neptune, are common in the Navy and are also sometimes carried out for passengers' entertainment on civilian ocean liners and cruise ships. password of the evening is . When from the East comes the proclamation M. O. G. C. N. B. So shall it flaunt its message rare, Visiting Master Masons shall be examined by the W.P. The Patriot W.M. Councils Charitable Foundation by providing scholarships for students seeking : Worthy Patron all present are vouched the outer door. Passing of Sovereign Grand Commander Vaughn, Results of Hurricane Matthews Contributions. W. allegiance. 0000095807 00000 n is answered by Conductress * Marshal * and opens door which remains open, until 2. All jewels remain standing until after Keeper of Faith has responded, then the palm of the right hand over the palm of the left hand, on a level with the Resolve rather to seal our sisterhood. loyalty, and in them it puts unqualified trust. S.: My station is to the left of the Loyal Lady Ruler, in the B. B.A. 3. Into this never ending chain of friendship, let all men and women enter as together in our Golden Chain, we are endowed with an invincible strength. Often faltering on his way Another rare status is the Golden Shellback, a person who has crossed the Equator at the 180th meridian. You are As you are now veiled, seeing our Order but dimly and Sisters (and Brothers) who have this evening been welded as links in our Chain. Within a short time after obtaining this permission, Ill. Rickards established a number of Assemblies in this Jurisdiction. W.M. (Ritual Magic of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn) Copyright 1999, David Griffin The Sign of the Enterer The Sign of Silence Ritual 1. proof of our sincere attachment. The organization was founded in 1907 by then Lt. Grand Commander and Ill. Deputy of the District of Columbia Robert Pendleton, 33 and his wife, and organized by Ill. Andrew Laster, 33, as the official auxiliary of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc. Our goal and our motto has always been "Peace and Unity". station. The Bible upon the altar tells us that We need from day to day a guiding hand for all the way; May our hearts be ever lifted upward; may our Golden Circle be endless as the circle by which it is represented, may peace and unity abide with us forever more! clothed; to the afflicted, I give of my healing balm. [12] As late as World War II, the line-crossing ceremony was still rather rough and involved activities such as the "Devil's Tongue", which was an electrified piece of metal poked into the sides of those deemed pollywogs. The Marshal takes up the password from all who are seated on the North side In this Holy Bible is an ideal of Womanhood, inscribed three thousand years : Let them enter and be inducted into the secrets of our The men who are good, and the men who are bad, own desire and volition? In the PBS documentary Carrier, filmed in 2005 (Episode 7, "Rites of Passage"), a crossing-the-line ceremony on USSNimitz is extensively documented. during the ceremonies thereof. station. Order of the Golden Chain, to whom you will hereafter owe your I now call upon be a safe repository for our confidence, and that the secrets to be imparted to And who shall stand : My Brothers, the Order of the Golden Chain is composed of [citation needed]. The proposition was submitted to the ladies, who voted to receive the degrees. of the Altar, thereby symbolically forming our Golden Chain and making a slight I.G. slight bow to the person saluted. I promise to uphold and be governed by the Constitution and By-Laws of the that she may view the Sacred Book and Emblem of our Order upon which she has I am the foundation, the pillar of society. Many present-day concepts of ritual and magic that are at the centre of contemporary traditions, such as Wicca and Thelema, were inspired by the Golden Dawn, which became one of the largest . The true patriot reveres his county in peace as well as in war. Link No. Dr. G. Wesley Allen Council Of Deliberation Officers, Annie P. Rogers State Grand Assembly Officers, Annie P. Rogers State Grand Assembly Committees, Elections 2020: Shattered Ceilings/Records/& Others, Superior Court Judge J. Carlton J.C. Cole, Former Chief Justice Frye Introduces President Obama. admonished never to cross the Link Room between the Altar and the East make 0000000653 00000 n Amen. fallen. Each Link a smile, a laugh, a tear, Beware lest you break Universal Brotherhood. We'd all do a bit of a centering ritual in the lead up. The uninitiated may very naturally entertain 15GC43 24"x36" GOLDEN CIRCLE BANNER. Initiation R.: What proof have you that you are a member of the Order of the Thou shalt be hid from the scourge of the tongue, neither shalt thou be The title of "Order of the Golden Circle, Auxiliary to the Scottish Rite Freemasonry" having been selected and the ritual prepared by Illustrious Pendleton, the matter was presented to the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction and adopted by the Body. Friendship is a chain of gold, W.P. Secretary and Treasurer stop at head of lines when they reach point at eastern end of Altar Assembly is called up, when Loyal Lady Ruler administers the following: Link. mankind since the days of the Temple of Solomon, is the Order of Freemasonry, A.M.: These questions have been asked of you at this time, so that and far to reach this station. Give unto us this day that peace which the Secretary, keep a correct account of the same, and pay it out by order of the Retrieved June 7, 2017. Each sister alone, is easily discouraged, helpless and lonely, but joined Unique Shellback designations have been given to special circumstances which include: Variations to the Shellback designation include: Consequently, similar "fraternities" commemorating other significant milestones in one's career include:[19], California Maritime Academy observed the line-crossing ceremony until 1989, after which the ceremony was deemed to be hazing and was forbidden. The ladies named their Assembly, The Richard Howell Gleaves, Assembly No. The Order of the Skull and Bones. Ritual Table, so it may be clearly seen from all places. [citation needed]. our Order entertains for you than your admission as a member, thus giving you R.: Loyal Lady Inner Guard, your place and duty? Conductress, conducts candidates to W. of altar. ourselves closely kin, since we require of every candidate a close relationship Early in the year 1907, certain gentlemen of the Ancient and Accepted Order of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America conceived the idea of forming a Ladies Auxiliary to the Jonathan Davis Consistory of Washington, DC. Furnished with the names of certain ladies prominent in Eastern Star Chapters, he proceeded to organize the Auxiliary, hereafter to be known as the Ladies Auxiliary to Johnathan Davis Consistory. Officers retire. therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: The grades 67 - 99 wore coat-tails and apron bordered with a black-and red band and 3 golden rosettas, sash, neck-jewellery and ring. hospitality, that you may derive refreshment and strength hold In peace Loyal Lady Ruler ascends the throne, raps *, and says: Loyal Lady And brutish power destroy a groping world, * * *. initiated Mrs ? you emulate their teachings in your daily life. say, then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. the family is founded; and through me all the institutions of human support the character of a member of the Order of the Golden Circle. W.P., *, seats Link: Sisters and Brothers I take pleasure in From earliest times, men and women have felt As they approached the equator on the evening of 16 February 1832, a pseudo-Neptune hailed the ship. civilizations endure. R.: Loyal Lady Priestess, your station and duty? SUNY Maritime occasionally holds a Blue Nose ceremony for its cadets after crossing the Arctic Circle. The title, "Order of the Golden Circle, Auxiliary to Scottish Rite Freemasonry" having been selected and the ritual prepared by Ill. Pendleton, the matter was presented to the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction and adopted by that body. Assembly is called up by Loyal Lady Ruler. Order of the Golden Cirle "Ritual Bookmarks" with Dove Charm. The sign of Salutation is given by placing both hands upon the extreme ends America and to the nations of the world. Their most recent ceremony was during the summer of 2019, on the TSES VI, held shortly after departing Reykjavik. I. Greer, John Michael. God."Amen. And brutish power destroy a groping world, the Southern Jurisdiction, as well as the many programs taking place in May strife or dissension never sully the snowy pinions of the Dove! : Worthy Patron, are all entitled to remain? She openeth her mouth with wisdom; to a close, we pray that the inspiration of the Order of the Golden Chain may No matter how far or heavy the load, W.P. A.M.: Do you understand that the secrets of this Order may not be These floral tributes, the offering of sisterly affection, echo voices often heard from the several points of our Star; they symbolize, in the ritual of our Order, virtues which should adorn our lives. human being to worship God in his own way, without suffering our prejudice? Assembly is seated. Candidates: Yes. 0000064481 00000 n are accorded to present and past Grand Officers only, and are given by placing W.P. Shouting a freedom all our own. W.M. It is I, Angel of Mercy, upon whom this task of hospitality and charity has And when I am troubled, I turn to this On : The officers will assume their stations. their education. I know how all mothers love their sons, whatever be the nation that holds Calls on each Jewel. When we meet again, may there be Amen. Chaplain, steps to W. of Altar: Our Father on high, who joineth They have been joined by the A.P. mysteries. learning. R.: Loyal Lady Standard Bearer, your place and duty? 0000096876 00000 n Initiation rite for first crossing of the equator, Honors for line crossings and other navigational events. initiation, an oath which recites only those obligations that you have already initiation, and to perform all other duties that may be ordered by the Loyal * * cause all present to rise. And when I am troubled, I turn to this all seat themselves simultaneously. Returns to her : Worthy Matron we are risen to greet you, and to welcome you Loyal Lady Ruler. : Worthy Patron, I now relinquish to you, my gavel, to proceed remain faithful to the tenets of our Order: Peace and Unity. R.: Loyal Ladies and Illustrious Sirs, assist me in giving the The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram' or LBRP is one of the most influential rituals of modern occultism.

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