spirit week ideas for work during covid

But they are the last to leave. Plus, the posts are a great way to advertise your companys culture to a wider audience. A team lunch is a great way through which everyone can bond with each other and with you. I think that well continue doing this even after the pandemic is goneits such a cool way to learn more about the people you work with every day. - Dennis Vu, CEO and Co-founder of Ringblaze, We hired a magician to put on a virtual magic show for our staff, clients, and vendors to watch with their families. It's not only a nice little project to focus on, but gives us something to talk about that's not work or coronavirus. Honestly, Im really pleased with this decision over trying to make a Zoom party happen. Hear clients' stories and learn how they're building a better workplace with Namely. If theyd just put an extra $100 in my paycheck and said we cant have a party this year so get yourself a nice treat, Id have appreciated that too. It is especially meaningful when the appreciation comes from their bosses. Companies with a corporate health plan are more likely to see more engaged employees. December is the most obvious time to throw a virtual holiday party. You may opt-out by. Need more tips for how to keep your employees happy during COVID-19? These events can help virtual offices grow closer. Were working with local restaurants (some minority-owned) to provide cold reheatable family meals that our employees will take home to enjoy with their family. You can also make sure you take at least a 30-minute lunch break. You can even display this social media recognition on your offices digital displays to make sure the whole team sees it. Outdoor days are one of the best summer spirit week ideas for work. Basically, the idea is to boost morale by giving students a collective silly goal. Starting a business during COVID-19 may seem impossible, but these 15 types of businesses can help you launch a business and even help others during the pandemic. Virtual tea parties are calm yet quirky online events to hold with remote teams. Home tours are a fun way for remote teammates to invite each other into personal spaces. They are the first to arrive. The flipside to this is without the proper career advancement at the right time, employees will slowly grow disengaged and might look for new opportunities elsewhere. Our division is doing a holiday drive-in movie and renting out a drive-in theater for the evening. Every company has got one of these employees. Full coverage and live updates on the Coronavirus, This is a BETA experience. 5. Pike13 Spirit Week highlights: Heightened communication is necessary, not only to keep your remote team productively focused, but because the sudden move from the workplace to a home space can take an emotional toll on people when they no longer have the social contact with work friends and colleagues. Namely's powerful HR Software is built for mid-sized companies designed to be used by everyone, every day. Weve had a few teams compete in virtual relays, races, or step challenges using free apps to log steps, distance ran/cycled, etc. Get the latest news from Namely about HR, Payroll, and Benefits. The Very Worst Kind of Bad Boss Just Wont Go Away. 9. It's run by a different division each week to encourage everyone to get involved and has been a fun way to spend a few hoursand a welcome distraction. - Anna Barker, Founder at LogicalDollar, I arranged a remote talent show for our team. Kicking their feet up on the couch and zoning out in front of the TV could be just what the essential workers in your life need after dealing with the public . A recent study published in Healthcare Design Magazine revealed that "an extreme break room makeover" at one health facility reduced staff "stress and fatigue.". This amazing app pairs the blind and visually impaired with volunteers via a video call in order to assist with everyday tasks (think reading a recipe on the back of a box or selecting a . Convey these "thank you" either in a heartful card, on social media, with the help of appreciation letters or (better yet) through a friendly handshake. Get the latest news from Namely about HR, payroll, and benefits. Thus in this scenario, investing in an effective recognition program becomes a critical part of employee engagement. Remote teammates can enjoy a show while learning more about coworkers special skills and abilities. After all, who doesn't like a couple of free snacks? For example, share with team members how you will be leading, how you will check in with them, what you will be asking about. Instead, health promotion ensures that your staff actually want and like to be at work. Spirit week shakes up the normal routine and gives dispersed teammates a chance to get together and have fun. Get 5 morale boosting tips here, learn how to celebrate employee milestones virtually here, and get some more general tricks for managing your remote workforce here. While personalizing spaces at work to fit the geographic locale or the personal tastes of employees has become common. Simply gear each days activities around a particular topic. On beach day, participants post virtual backgrounds of tropical locations and sip mock mai tais. "We're encouraging employees to stay active by challenging their coworkers. These morning check-ins, no matter how short are invaluable for maintaining a sense of community, checking in on how team members are doing, and to stay focused on key priorities so that momentum and performance is maintained. This is one of the most underrated employee appreciation ideas out there. 7. Let the kids pick out a book and read it to them while . Want to submit a guest post? In times of isolation it can be very difficult to stay on top of where everyone is at. The week before your work at home spirit week, mail boxes full of goodies to team members. Half of the box contained things like hand sanitizer, gloves, masks, and other health-related products to help us stay safe. 5k+ Downloads For any employee who loves to be fit or is inclined towards adopting a healthier lifestyle, gym passes make for the ultimate way to help them get started. Employee appreciation is the cornerstone of developing a robust and meaningful workplace culture. Revamp your break room. While the other appreciation ideas might be feasible for particular projects and day-to-day work, employees will look for something more permanent in the long run. Some good virtual spirit week ideas include virtual talent shows, Zoom spirit week backgrounds, online award shows, and theme days. The care packages were tailored for each individual, and they included self-care items such as cozy socks, chocolate, herbal tea, craft kits, puzzles, books, and board games. Superhero Academy is a perfect fit for a hero or villain themed online spirit day. Shared items such a candy jars, cereal boxes, and containers of nuts should be removed for the safety of all workers. We also included some essential office supplies to ensure our employees have everything they need to work remotely. - Stuart Cook, Marketing Manager at My Baggage, My company recently delivered a care package to all employees with a mix of fun and useful items. Hence, "Employee of the month" programs are a great way to show your best employees that you see their hard work and appreciate the efforts they are putting in. See how Namely's flexible solution will help you streamline your HR processes by having your people, payroll, and benefits info all in on place. Or take a field trip to the local entertainment venue. Typical spirit weeks involve decorating contests. Everybody got to sign up for whichever they liked best: Online beer tasting (they ship the beer to your house, and then you taste it on Zoom with an expert telling you what youre tasting). I didnt even stay until the end and used half the amount of tequila in my margarita because Im not used to drinking, but it was a lot of fun, we all learned something and had a good laugh. of 70-75% ethyl alcohol. Instead of taking the stage, performers share their acts during a video call. But there is one occasion that should be praised with the same level of spirit and vigor as the restthe work anniversary. Social Media is the biggest influencer of our generation. Throwing a virtual holiday party is one of the best Christmas spirit week ideas for work. Every year there are days we look forward to. Here are list of themes to use for online spirit weeks. Want to give someone the gift that keeps on giving? These events typically occur through a series of video meetings, group chats, and collaborative online activities. Mask up. This prevents you from working to the point of hunger and then scrambling to decide what to eat. Everything you need to build a better workplace. Read about more virtual talent show ideas. Book an Airbnb virtual experience. Do the bragging on behalf of your employees, and show your whole team how fantastic everyone is. Recommended Article: The Ultimate Guide To Employee Rewards and Recognition. Offering them a handsome salary is one aspect. If you see someone going above and beyond and who commutes through their own vehicles, this will prove to be a wonderful opportunity to make their lives a little bit easier. It was a huge hit, and we're already scheduled another! - Ryan Law, Content Strategist at Animalz, We sent care packages to our employees homes to help them adjust to remote work. This is a great way to begin your team meetings. Look at yourself in the mirror. Their office is infused with fun, including random Razor scooters available to any staff who think better while in motion. Its hard to replicate daily interactions with co-workers, casual encounters by the water cooler, or after-work drinks, but we are encouraging our employees to find time for virtual coffees, lunches, or even happy hours with their colleagues. - William Taylor, Career Development Manager at Velvetjobs, Something that has really helped us keep spirits up is our Slack 'meme' channel where we encourage everyone to post the best memes they find throughout the day. I am going to go out on a limb here to say to you something vital. 4 Ways A Single Word Has The Power To Positively Change Your Perspective, 8 Ways To Create Certainty Amid Current Workplace Uncertainty, Why Accountability Is At The Core Of Stewardship Delegation, 5 Ways To Grow Your Personal Brand As A Content Creator, Why We Need To Make Every Day Employee Appreciation Day, In A Competitive Job Market, Heres How To Win The Interview, 5 Tips To Recession-Proof Your Career And Bullet-Proof Your Security. The Internet might be intermittent in these spots, so you can also give teammates the option of joining via phone audio instead of mobile video app. Recommended Article: Gift Cards Make For The Perfect Employee Rewards. COVID-19 is expected to last for many months, with a potential resurgence in the fall. Learn how to set new boundaries, ask for support, and re-strategize with your partner about what you need. Student Engagement: Spirit Weeks A number of schools and school districts have done weekly challenges where students participate in a themed activity, take a picture or video of it, and then upload and tag it with a specific hashtag so that the community can find, enjoy, and celebrate it with them.

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spirit week ideas for work during covid

spirit week ideas for work during covid

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